Well since leaving the Ozarks I have been through a huge car dilema since hitting Branson, MO earlier this month. Since then I have been camped out at a friends house in Kansas waiting for the shop to clear out a booth in order to lift my van and what looks like change or clean out gas tank and repaint and seal the interior of both gas tanks on the vehicle.
On the bright side of the coin, this has allowed me time enough to meet with my photographer and website assistant and have launched over 600 products in the store. This includes all of my finished jewelry and all of my cabochons. I still have faceted stones to photograph but I am happy with the progress. If any of you are looking for a visual assistant I would highly recommend Joel Andrews from Derby, KS. He can be found online here:
The next part of the website launch is to add a category where people can choose a stone and have it commissioned to be set into a finished product. Silver settings start at $65 and Gold-filled $100
If you have read this far you might take the time to comment on one of my products and leave me a review about the website by clicking the product and leaving a review. This would greatly add to the value of the website by letting the public know that I have people who appreciate the work that goes into owning a llc and producing each product in order to sell to someone that connects to the piece.
Thanks for taking the time, and please leave a review on one of my products listed throughout the whole website, and sign up for quarterly emails.